Australian Defence Force

Friendly member of the ADF, conducting his duties helping civilians to reach safety

In 2023 I drew many storyboards for the Australian Defence Force's recruitment drive. I was commissioned by VLMY&R, through my storyboards agent Stacey Simpkin of International Rescue.

I drew 120 frames in around three weeks. Many frames had layers to enable the designers at VMLY&R to create a pre-TVC animatic of the action, so the ADF could see what the finished commercial would look like. There was a strong emphasis on creating an inclusive, friendly impression, but also very effective where it counted. If you click here you can view the commercials.

I enjoyed the job although the deadline was very tight but I got to draw soldiers and hardware which made it an enjoyable departure for me.

Storyboards for ADF TVC, drawn in Procreate on iPad Pro with Apple Pencil. View the commercial here