Poster for comic book drawing workshop at New Cross Learning

(For more of my comic art and latest news of The Mice please go here. — Roger, 2024)

Poster for comic book drawing workshop by Roger Mason
Poster for comic book drawing workshop by Roger Mason. © Roger Mason 2014
Next month I will be leading a workshop at New Cross Learning, a library in New Cross, London, for young people on the subject of drawing comics. I am pretty happy with the poster I designed for it, as it recycles (or 're-purposes' if you like corporate jargon) a frame from a diary comic strip I drew about four years ago.

The subject of the strip is some in-your-face schmoozing I did after going to a talk by Kevin O'Neill on the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. His reply is genuine, and he did not invite me to his studio. I have been re-reading Century, one of the recent League... titles and am finding it quite a dark, creepy and disturbing read. Very good though and it does not give up its treasures immediately.

Maybe in the poster the face could do with having a smile on it...?

Roger Mason diary comic featuring Kevin O'Neill
Diary comic page about meeting Kevin O'Neill. © Roger Mason 2012