2000 AD Terror Tale
The following five pages I drew for the Steve Moore -scripted Terror Tale Murdermind which was published in 2000 AD prog 1311 and remains my only paid contribution to the comic to date. It was a tough script to draw but I enjoyed bringing some heavy contrast black and white to the task. I am proud of the first panel but it is dark in tone, to say the least.
Briefly it involves two cops on the trail of a mysterious sequence of murders, which turns out to be due an alien body-hopping worm which deranges people and turns them into psychopaths. It jumps ship after each kill.
I bumped into then-Tharg Andy Diggle a few years later, he said I did a good job but that it was a tough script to draw. He was not wrong. Apparently my artwork was panned on the forum the week after and that was a bit tough to take. I thought it looks ok and I hope to someday once more grace the pages of the galaxy's greatest.
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Comic page from 2000 AD Terror Tale, script by Steve Moore, art by Roger Mason
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Comic page from 2000 AD Terror Tale, script by Steve Moore, art by Roger Mason
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Comic page from 2000 AD Terror Tale, script by Steve Moore, art by Roger Mason
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Comic page from 2000 AD Terror Tale, script by Steve Moore, art by Roger Mason
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Comic page from 2000 AD Terror Tale, script by Steve Moore, art by Roger Mason