'Set the Destroyer' music video storyboards

Storyboards for Set The Destroyer music. Dir. Craig Murray, art by Roger Mason

Recently I produced seven key frame illustrations for film-maker Craig Murray who is making a music video for the band Set the Destroyer. I had fun with this, depicting a wasted young girl staggering up Kingsland Road, being sucked into a floor in a bunker and then being re-born up on a rooftop as a blond.

I think I need to see the video to work out what's going on here and if you want to find out more about Craig's work then go to www.youcameinhereastranger.com. Craig sits next to me in my studio in Dalston, in the Bootstrap Building, home also to the Dalston Roof Park. He doesn't drink tea but isn't averse to instant coffee in a plastic beaker, trivia fans.

Please click here to see more of my storyboards.